August 4, 2022
The exchange of bibliographic data is a long-standing achievement. We could begin our analysis with printed bibliographies and union catalogues on cards (keyword: Mundaneum / Paul Otlet). But for pragmatic reasons, we only mention the MARC format, which has symbolised this exchange of data since the computerisation of libraries. Dating from the late 1960s – long before the web, that is – MARC is still hegemonic today in library systems.
March 1, 2021
After two years of intensive work, cross-institutional exchanges, lively debates, feasibility analysis and exploratory tests, the SONAR project ended at the end of 2020. It was carried out as part of the P-5 program "Scientific information: access, processing and safeguarding" of swissuniversities. The objective was to set up a national platform for open access scientific publications.