News on the governance and financing of the RERO+ Foundation

At the request of the RERO+ Foundation Council, the organizations involved in the development of the RERO ILS library management system have agreed to add to the amount paid by their respective libraries a subsidy calculated in proportion to the degree of use of the service by those same libraries. These important contributions enable RERO+ to confidently look to the future. The Foundation Council acknowledges their support with gratitude.

Now that the Foundation's financing is assured, its President, Mrs Anne-Catherine Lyon, former State Councillor of the Canton of Vaud, has volunteered to step down to allow the election of a Valaisan President, the Canton of Valais being the largest contributor. Consequently, Mr Thierry Stalder was unanimously elected by the Board of Trustees to take over the presidency from January 1, 2025. Mr. Stalder is a UNI economist by training (business administration section) and works in the banking sector. He is also a deputy member of the Valais Grand Council and a general councillor for the town of Sion.

Mr. Martin Good, former Director of the Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Fribourg and a member of the Foundation Board, has decided to step down, in order to promote the involvement of new sources of ideas and decision-makers.

The Foundation Council congratulates Thierry Stalder and warmly thanks Anne-Catherine Lyon and Martin Good for their valuable contribution to the success of RERO+.
