November 3, 2022
July 12, 2022 marked the first anniversary of the implementation of RERO ILS in the libraries of Bulle (Musée gruérien), the Wallis network and the RBNJ (Réseau des bibliothèques neuchâteloises et jurassiennes). On this occasion, we wanted to gather feedback from the professionals about their experience with the software during this first year of use. About a hundred librarians accepted to take part in a satisfaction survey. Their answers were anonymous.
October 24, 2022
This article is currently only available in French.
October 3, 2022
This article is currently only available in French and German.
August 4, 2022
The exchange of bibliographic data is a long-standing achievement. We could begin our analysis with printed bibliographies and union catalogues on cards (keyword: Mundaneum / Paul Otlet). But for pragmatic reasons, we only mention the MARC format, which has symbolised this exchange of data since the computerisation of libraries. Dating from the late 1960s – long before the web, that is – MARC is still hegemonic today in library systems.
March 10, 2022
Cela fait environ 8 mois que RERO ILS est utilisé en production par une soixantaine d'institutions en Suisse. Fin janvier, les bibliothèques de trois universités belges (UCLouvain, Namur, Saint-Louis) ont également commencé à travailler sur leur propre instance du système: Après cette phase de stabilisation, RERO+ fait le point sur les avancées du projet et le travail réalisé.
February 18, 2021
With the integration of corporate bodies in its data model, RERO ILS makes the ambitious objective of multilingualism a reality, as promised by the MEF project. The end user will not only have access to an interface in several languages, but also to data in several languages. This is a Swiss obligation! 🇨🇭